
Monday, May 14, 2012


So, FIN assignment gonna due soon.

And yea, now it's suppose to be time to be busy with assignment, but I really have to shout something here...


Seriously, I can't stand it. It's something so simple that you can just...use your logic and think. I am not talking about how to solve the questions, but I am talking about all the detailed stuff!

"Do you think I should explain Question 3 ar?" (It's totally up to you)
"Do you think I should do it in excel or words ar?" (It's totally up to you)
"Do we have to print out the formulae if we do it in excel?" (Yes, this was answered by lecturer in class)
"Do I..."

GOSH! PLEASE! You are 20 years old and you can't decide these simple stuff yourself????

And da pain in the arse when they start asking stuff like....

"For this question ar, do we need to put this figure into the calculation?" (......The lecturer even gave the final answer to you. Can't you just pls try it out yourself? If after you put in the answer doesn't match, then try removing it. It's common sense! Don't expect me to spoonfeed you pls.)

"How do you get unit sales ar?" (You can get it from the question......)

And it's not a short simple assignment. It's 10 questions devided into 2 sections. Imagine everyone start going around asking brainless question like that. And they are not asking the theory, they are asking all the "How to do ar?"

Some even go further and say "You solve dy let me know ar". So do you want me to just do the whole assignment for you? *smile smile*


Like seriously? Can you all people for heaven's sake, refer to the textbook or whatever you can before you ask any question? Pls do some homework before you ask, or else you are just humiliating yourself by showing me how ignorant and stupid you are for asking such basic stuff. You are just making people looking down on your laziness.

Yes. Your laziness. 

You got it right. I don't look down on friends who can't grasp the concept. I just plainly hate lazy assholes. And in fact, you are not even close to stupid. You are smart. You are using the most effective way to solve the problem with the least effort. But yea, you are just a plain lazy ass who doesn't even bothered to try, who doesn't even worth me respecting.

And it's not like we are really close friends. We just "hi" and "bye" in uni, and when assignments come, my facebook inbox is flooded with all of your brainless questions. Yes FLOODED! Not to mention my phone, sms non stop, flooded with brainless questions, and some even from unknown alien who doesn't even care to introduce who you are.

And no, I am not against you asking me questions. All I ask from you is that you


before asking.

I totally don't mind you asking me questions like:

"Eh, this part, if I interpret it this way I will get this answer. But if I do it that way I will get another answer. So which one should it be ar? Or both can be accepted?"

"I don't understand why did the teacher put in this term ar. Is this term just a decoration or will it affect my answer?"

"I tried doing it this way ar, but how come my answer turns out to be some alien that I can't recognize ar? Did I do it wrongly?"

Something like that. I will be more than willing to help you. So stop asking me stuff like this.

"Eh how to do ar?" 

"Eh teach me this question tmr ar"

If you do, be glad if I am even bothered to reply you. Again, don't expect spoonfeeding from me.

Eh, why don't I just do everything for you ar?

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