
Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Burpday Su Teng Chan! XD

*Thou shall read this in an advertising tone*

130405 marks the beginning of adultery adulthood of Ms. Su Teng Chan. :P She who turns 21 today shall no longer be a girl, but a WOMAN, LADY, and AUNTY. XDDD  (For some reason I feel that this sentence will turn the whole 92-born girls my enemies)

Ok I should stop being mean as today is her birthday. XPPP You know I don’t mean it :P

So 7 years or friendship, 5 years of besties, though we meet probably once a year, but I can always count on you whenever hardship hits me. Remember to count me in when you have something to gossip about kay? (Okay that just officially turned me into a bat-gong)

So before the day ends, HAPPY BIRTHDAY again! The moment you see this, this shall be the 5th birthday message that I’ve sent you. Whatsapp, call, fb wall post, fb message and lastly BLOG POST. :D

Why did facebook appear twice? Because 4 medium and 5 wishes mark 0405 which is your birthday. XDDDD Now you know why did I keep annoying you today. XPPPP

All the best Indian-to-be girl! XP

Lotsa love from
Your gossip partner. XP

PS: Sorry if the call didn't last very long. XPPP The phone battery decided to run low at this moment. :( Somehow I got a lot of things to say before I call but they just don't appear during the call. Anyways, it's 1.21am and your birthday is long over here XDDD *Hinting how awesome a friend I am to call you eventhough ur birthday is over* XP Call u again kay? And because of that call I've discovered that my phone plan gives me 300 minutes of free call per month, that is usable even for INTERNATIONAL CALL. =D Maybe I can start spamming on calls hehe. Anyways, this is too long for a PS so I should stop here. Once again have a great birthday! ;)

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