
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

柯震東 - 漂流瓶 (feat. 陳妍希)

Saw a video link from 柯震東's facebook page. It's an MV of his song. So now I know his English name is Kai Ko. hahahahaha. I also got Kai leh. XPPPPP

Anyways. That song is not the song titled above. haha. I just simply click the links from the side, link and link and finally linked to this song:


The song is so so la...their duet part didn't arrange properly IMHO.

But the MV is sweet!  柯震東 kissed 陳妍希 at the end! =D

Finally! Ganti balik what we've missed in the movie. haha.

So, have fun! XP

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


*Edit:  Added in English versions for those who can't read Chinese. *cough Lily cough*


And I realized that I am wrong!
When you really really like a girl,
No matter who is the groom,
You will still sincerely hope that she's showered with love.


Every man would like to show his greatest strength in front of his love,
but this method,


And I thought,
I am a super confident guy,
but in front of the girl I like,
I am just a coward.


Youth is just like a storm,
even if you catch a cold,
you will still want to travel backwards and let it pour on you once again.


I do not look down on those who do not score well
I only look down on those people
who do not work hard, yet look down on those who work hard.

The most cruel part of growing up is that,
girls are always more mature than boys of the same age.



I like you a lot, like you very very much,
I will definitely make you my girlfriend one day,
10 million percent (10 million over hundred) definitely make you my girlfriend,


I want to become a great person,
so that because of my existence,
this world would change at least a little bit.
And my world,
is none other than your heart.


After being liked by you,
I feel that others do not like me enough.


Girl: Thank you for liking me
Boy: I also like myself who like you those days.


Perhaps, in the other parallel dimension,
we are together.

Boss! A bowl of super handsome bald head please!

Life, there are many things that have always been futile.
Life is all about to keep on fighting!

想不到 “我很帅” 已经变成传说了
Can't believe that "I am very handsome" has become a legend.



Inititally, I thought that,
If one day,  I can see the all-rounder Shen JiaYi make a fool out of herself,
That must be the greatest enjoyment of attending school.

I said, "Initially"



Although we cannot born on the same day, month, year,
but I hope we can stay on together forever. 

*It's a chinese idiom. The 2nd line should be "but we would want to die on the same day, month year.*
The 2nd line that he used are meant for lovers, which literally means "Hope to be together forever, and share the same moonlight even if we are thousand miles apart"


I didn't not study! If ever I study, 
it will be so good to the extend that I myself would be afraid!

信不信十年后我连 log 是什么都不知道,

Do you believe that 10 years from now, although I don't even know what is "log (logarithm)"
I can still be alive and well?


Before the goddess like me,
my left hand is always only an assitance!
Because the right hand has to hold the mouse...

(which means, he has to masturbate make himself happy with his left hand,
while his right hand has to hold the mouse to surf porno the Internet)

地狱 17 层和 16 层的差别而以。
there's not much difference between middle school and high school,
difference of level 17th hell and 16th only...

PS: I do not own these pictures. Credits to Huiqi T and 我就是爱漂亮的句子

P.P.S: I really hate translating now. >.< 

Monday, November 28, 2011


【九把刀電影】那些年 我們一起追的女孩 電影預告 超級白爛(被删的两幕戏)

那些年,我們一起追的女孩 - 幕後花絮(1-5)

那些年,我們一起追的女孩 - 幕後花絮(6)

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電視特輯(一) - 演员与制作人员们生命中最浪漫的事

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電視特輯(二) - 導演九把刀的四個夢想

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電視特輯(三)- 選角的條件

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電視特輯(四)- 最難忘的一場戲

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電視特輯(五)  - 幼稚的拍摄过程

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電視特輯(六) - 現場拍攝幕後花絮

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】 柯震東 敖犬 大比拼


那些年,我为 《那些年》疯狂...但不是现在。 XP

Okla, I think I shouldn't scare a life out of you. I am not gonna talk about the movie for this post.

And yes, I am blogging in English so that you will be able to understand okay? *smiles to that particular someone who posted on my wall. haha* XP

Injured my eye. And the best part is, I forgot why. lolz

I just felt the pain on my left eye 2 days ago after I woke up. I remembered being kicked by my youngest brother on my head when I was sleeping, but not sure if he hit my left eye.

Right. So you must be wondering how the hell did he managed to kick my eye. So I am going to illustrate to you.

Diagram 1
Diagram 1 illustrated the setting of the room. My brother was on the red colour queen size bed, while I was on the blue colour TILAM (aka mattress JIC you forgot your BM) ON THE FLOOR. Yes. On the floor that's the issue.

FYI we don't usually sleep like that, cause' we sleep with our mom for that night. If you wonder why, that's not relevent to the diagram so I am not going to describe. XP

So you must be wondering why didn't I align my head to his (As shown in Diagram 2 below) so I won't get kicked, that's because I wanna get the fan. As you can see, since their bed is elevated, if I sleep the way as shown in Digram 2, the fan will not be able to reach me.

Diagram 2

And that's it! When we were sleeping, my brother suddenly left his leg hanging on the side of the bed, and I accidently touched it, so he responded with a big jerk and "pish!" that's how I was kicked. Whether was I kicked on the eye, I couldn't care less and continued with my sleep. LOLz.

And it still hurts until now. T_T

Okla, I you must be goddem curious why were we sleeping with our mom AT SUCH AN AGE. For more information, pls call refer to my status update 2 days ago at around 11pm.

For those lazy bums, that's because my room stinks, as a stupid irritating fat cat shit on the roof next to my room's window. (My room's on the second floor so there's a roof to cover the 1st floor, get it?)

Ok, I don't know if it's stupid or fat, but it is irritating. lolz.

And oh, lemme laugh for a moment if you really did search my for my status. HAHHAHAHAHA. evil grin. XP. Come on, I am such a nice guy so I wouldn't have left you being unconvenient kan? That's meant to be a joke but if you really did do it, too bad. Or shall I compliment you for being curious? *Students with curiosity study better so be proud. lol*

Back to the point. The room still stinks now okay? Not that I don't wanna get rid of it, but there's no way to reach the rooftop unless I climb from 3rd floor and come down. And the rain keeps failing to wash the shit and the smell away although it did rain heavily these few days.

So, finals in 9 days time. Oh no! 9 days!!!!

 But I only have one subject to sit for.

Like I care. XP

So, imma spend my next few days to study 1 chapter per day.
 (A chapter a day keeps.....the failing grade away, but not like I will fail if I don't consume an apple, I mean a chapter a day but well....)

And tomorrow, I will be going for my LAST CLASS for Degree Year 1. Oh~~~~I am graduating in 2 years time! So happy~~~!

And then work for another 35 years before retiring and that sucks. =.=

Right. So ajak me out after finals? Inititally I was planning for internship but now I think I am too lazy to look for a 2 months intern (People usually want 3 months or 6 months). Plus it is so last minute already. Maybe I will just look for another part time instead.

Happy holidays! (Wait...why am I already in holiday mood? I haven't even sit for my finals. *shrugs*)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

那些年, 我们一起看的金马奖

那些年, 《那些年》没拿的奖。。。

我接受唔到咯~~!!! 《那些年》 竟然没有拿最佳原创电影歌曲!!! T_T

Please! 这首歌一级棒的咯!一字一句都能挑起涟漪,久久不散, 那首歌是我们每个人青春的代表作也!会不会是因为评判都是。。。老的, 所以没能体会词义?别的歌唱出我的心境,也许让我为之一震, 但就真的那 “一震” 罢了。 《那些年》 却是让人感同身受,甚至欲罢不能咧!



(笑) XP

不过咯。。。真的替 《那些年》 感到可惜咯。。。(竟然还在理直气壮ing。。。)


女神沈佳宜也没有那 《最佳女主角》 咧。。。



九把刀也没拿最佳新导演。 可惜咧。。。

算了吧。入围四个,至少还有一个 《最佳新演员》 当安慰。。。

柯震东过关斩将, 横扫 《赛得克 · 巴莱》三演员。

还当场秀红内裤哦。。。真 open 一下啊。。。哈哈。


当然咯! 还有100万拿咧。柴姐真慷慨。。。下次我也要去演戏了。。。LOLz。

好啦。 《那些年, 我们一起追的女孩》 金马奖报告到此结束。拜拜。。。

Friday, November 25, 2011

我的 《那些年》

惨了啦!现在本人还处于 《那些年》 过渡期。 还是头一遭有如此长的渡过期的咧。只能说九把刀这电影真的演活了。

对哦,主题曲 《那些年》 真是百听不腻耶。终觉得每听一回就有多一次的感触。想念高中啊!我们那点点滴滴的回忆,因这首歌再次历历在目。>.<

ok ok。。。不要在此废话。写些比较有用的东西给你们看:

我把 《那些年》 电视原声带整张专辑的歌都找来听啦!老实说。。。柯震东的歌不怎么好听。。。/ . \ 可能我不会欣赏吧。XP 不过人家还出专辑咧。

应该会电死很多女生吧? 人帅真好~~~ 备受女生属目。。。(虽然我也很帅啦,不过不要跟别人讲,我怕被女粉丝追。。。呵呵。。。)

oops, 离题了。我是要讲 《那些年》 的!嗯。。。不过好像没有东西讲。哈哈。。。

不过老实讲哦,看完 《那些年》,真的有冲动要把自己的高中写下来的咧。。。不过出书还是算了吧。。。我的高中生活没那么多姿多彩,有那么多戏剧性的看头。不就是周旋于班上与课外活动中。。。本人可怜得没人要,然后自己又胆小死顾面子。。。女生追都没追过。。。

哀哉!(oops。。。出现文言文了)有时真羡慕那些放荡不羁的同学咧。。。想啥做啥。。。不用理会别人的眼光。 我有时真的好想像他们一样癫哦。不过人已被定型成 “乖学生”,一举一动处处受制。。。只能小玩,太癫的。。。还是算了。

虽然咧。。。我的中学生涯没有人家那么有看头,但那属于自己的回忆,每次在听到胡夏的 《那些年》 后就会一幕幕浮现:


 中四忙得天昏地暗,然后累得晨昏颠倒,连现在想起都回觉得可怕的生活 (风光背后的辛酸啊。。。);


呵呵。。。我的版本的 《那些年》 哦。XP

其实也很懒惰写一下咯。。。像香港人说的 “一疋布咁长”。我也不要废话咯。

下面送上柯震东的半裸照, 不过注意哦。。。



嗯。。。不过比起电影里一幕又一幕的裸体。。。这个应该不算什么吧? 。。。呵呵。。。XP 要看全裸? 自己去看电影吧! 不过当然没露第三点啦废话。别活在自己的幻觉里了啦!要看第三点的话自己去看 A 片。 哈哈。


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

那些年,我們一起追的女孩 - You Are The Apple of My Eye

Whee~~~ Finally! Stepped into the cinema and watched the movie during the LAST DAY. Tomorrow onwards you can only find this movie in Pavillion during evening.

You Are The Apple of My Eye

Spoilers ahead! So if you have not watched (though most likely not), please do not read!

ps: Erm, initially I hope to write the review in English so that more readers can understand the story, but I still think I express better in Chinese. haha. So if you can read Chinese maybe you can skip and go read the bottom part. XP

Lead actor and actress:
Ke ZhenDong & Michelle Chen YanHsi (柯震東& 陈妍希)

The movie started with a scene in year 2005, and flashback to year 1994 with introduction of characters. Ke Teng (by Ke ZhenDong) didn't like Shen JiaYi (Michelle Chen YanHsi) at the beginning, cause' she's studious (aka nerdish). But because he broke the school rule (tfk aka masturbate in class), he was forced to sit in front of JiaYi by the teacher so that the girl can look after him.

At the beginning, the girl was disgusted at him because he always loafs around. After being saved by Ke Teng during the English lesson (she forgot to bring her textbook, and the latter borrowed her his book, and as a result, being punished), she started to see him in a new light, and guide him in his homework so that he can improve. They soon developed a relationship, but the girl never openly express her liking towards the boy.

They soon graduate from high school, and each went separate ways to pursue their studies in universities. Ke Teng call her every night. One day, he decided to show her that he is macho, and organized a wrestling competition in his uni, inviting JiaYi to see his "macho side". He won. But JiaYi was upset, because he hurt himself in the process, and argued with him. Ke Teng, not understanding her concern towards him, claimed that she never care about his feelings, and that he is an idiot who stupidly chase after her for so many years. They never contact each other after that incident.

Year 1999, 21st September, Taiwan's great earthquake. Ke Teng was worried about JiaYi who was near to the Taipei (where the disaster occur), and ran miles out to get a good reception to call her. However, the girl already had a boyfriend. She accepted his call, and they talked very long. At that point, Ke Teng was not informed about her boyfriend by JiaYi.

After graduating from uni, he started to write novel online. One day in year 2005, he received a call from JiaYi, and jokingly asked "Are you calling me so that I can start chasing you again?", only to be informed that she is getting married, and he is invited to attend the wedding. He witness her marriage, and finally realized that when one loves another very much, he will be happy to see her finding her own happiness, and finally put down his feelings towards her.

Personally, I find this movie and the characters well developed. A 9.5 out of 10 points.

I find the story very natural, not like the dramas or other movies with so much of "impossible incidents". I think that you should really watch the movie from a 1st person's point of view, because that will enable you to better grasp the characters' feelings and relate it into your life so that you can get the hidden meaning of the story. Afterall, it is a story about high school love, which most of us teenagers are now experiencing.

The story is pretty saddening, when two people who love each other lost each other due to misunderstanding, lack of communication and ego. Feel so pity for them.

Story aside, main actress ain't that pretty, just like your ordinary female classmate, who's just slightly prettier than average. But yea, the girls are crazy over the main actor, cause' he's pretty good looking.
And of course la, so many naked scene of his, "zap" till all the girls crazy already. haha

故事内容 (黄色纯粹为本人对故事的体会与看法)


一次偶然的事故(在班上打手抢),柯腾被教官(训导主任吧)调到沈 佳宜座位前面,好让佳宜替老师监督与督促他的功课。开始时,他们相处就如水和火,互不相容。但当柯腾见义勇为替佳宜解困后 (佳宜没带英文课本,柯腾把自己的课本让给她,因而替后者顶罪),佳宜开始对他刮目相看,并开始督促他的功课,希望他能考取佳绩,好让自己“不会看不起 他”。 (本人觉得她在“尝试让自己有理由喜欢他” 吧?) 不料嘴快的柯腾却顶撞说,成绩好不代表能瞧不起人,换来的却是让他彻底改变的一句话:


这句话算是本电影的经典对白之一吧。柯腾因为这句话,开始发奋图强,甚至为了佳宜而留校温习功课至深夜。慢慢地,两人擦出了爱情的火苗,然而佳宜始终没有对柯腾的示爱行动与“穷追不舍” 给予任何表示。

打手枪 (笑死人的一幕)

督促功课 - 沈佳宜亲自操刀出“爱心考题”

毕业后,两人各奔前程。柯腾每晚会定时给佳宜电话,两人于圣诞节来了一次 “非正式约会”。此时,佳宜因为觉得自己并没有柯腾想象中的好,而问了数次 “你真的喜欢我吗?”。一个小女生,短短数句想要寻个安心享受被追求快乐滋味的疑问,却让柯腾误会成 “婉转的拒绝” 而胡思乱想,甚至连佳宜想要坦白正式接受他的追求的话,在她还没开口前却误会成拒爱,而要求她 “不要说,让我继续喜欢你”。



柯腾心里的不安无法得以舒缓。他忽发奇想,觉得只要在佳宜面前展示他最英勇的一面就能夺取芳心,因而主办了一场格斗赛,邀请佳宜前来观赛,还理直气壮地说这场赛事能 “让大学生除了整天读书以外,有机会运动运动”, 硬把一己之私说成是极有意义的壮举。然而,两人却因为佳宜心疼挚爱受伤的爱心责备而产生误会:

受了伤的柯腾见到佳宜的出现,欢天喜地的向她发表“胜利感言”。理智的佳宜却无法了解柯腾鲁莽无知的举动 (或许她懂,但没明言),连骂数句 “幼稚”。柯腾则认为佳宜一次又一次的 “幼稚” 两字深深伤害了他,认为她从不关心他的感受,从不理解他的想法,从不接受他认为有意义的举动,拂袖而去。 心疼的佳宜开了三次口: “笨蛋”, “大笨蛋”,与 “你什么都不知道”:骂他笨,是因为他根本不明白佳宜是因为爱他,关心他,心疼他,才会生气。 柯腾却认为佳宜的责骂,是指他无知,整天只会搞无聊的举动,而顶嘴说 “只有笨蛋才会追你追了这么多年”,伤透了佳宜的心。

“成长,最残酷的,就是女生往往比同年龄的男生成熟。 而女生的成熟,没有一个男孩招架得住。”

过后的两年,两人再也没有通电话。1999年台湾世纪大地震,台北市严重受创,电话信号大受干扰。柯腾因担心身在台北市的佳宜,跑了好远的路,只为找到电讯联系佳宜。已有男友的佳宜大为感动,两人谈了好久好久的电话 --- 但佳宜却没向柯腾道出她有男友的事实。


大学毕业后,柯腾开始在网路上写小说。2005 年,他收到佳宜的电话。口无遮蔽的他开心地逗女生道:“怎么?要我追你?”,换来的却是晴天霹雳: 沈佳宜要结婚了。婚礼上,原本心有不甘的柯腾终于了解,


安慰的笑容 --- 衷心祝福

随后,他把自己的青春,写成了一部小说,名为 “那些年,我們一起追的女孩”。。。



故事以十分含蓄的手法表达出主角那青涩的爱情: 浓浓的爱意鲜少明言,需要观众亲自体会才能了解。 看这部电影,个人觉得应以第一人视觉角度观赏,想象自己是柯腾,才能体会许多故事里隐藏的含义。


劝勉各位读者,“爱要及时”。 喜欢就说出来吧!就算失败了,至少曾经尝试过,死而无憾!
